5 Habits of Successful Online Learners

Online education is certainly the new norm. While it poses some challenges for the learners, teachers, and even the parents, there are a lot of ways to succeed in distance learning.  Students can design their own methods and system to get through with it successfully. The desire to receive quality education, no matter what mode, should motivate the learner to develop certain habits that will make online schooling work despite the challenges.

If you’re determined to persevere in your remote learning, here are some of the habits you need to start as early as possible:

Smart Time Management

As a student, you must learn how to prioritize and track your own progress in each subject. Set a schedule for everything and discipline yourself to follow your schedule. This will allow you to concentrate on your classes while still having time for your hobbies, passion projects, and relaxation. It will also prevent procrastination and allows you to work more efficiently.

Regular Self-assessment

Getting feedback from your teachers is important to assess your progress in your virtual class, but assessing your own capabilities can also be of help. Successful online learners know that for them to learn more and move forward, they must realize what they are lacking and what needs to be improved.  Take the time to assess your study behaviors and the areas that need help and improvement. This way, you can also discover your own potentials and strengths.

Willingness to participate and ask questions

Make active online class participation a habit. Don’t show up in your video class discussions just for attendance.  Make good use of your every online class by participating in class discussions and asking questions that will help you learn more. Online students who participate more in their online classes are more likely to absorb the materials and get the most out of the online education experience.

Taking breaks

Every successful person knows when to stop and hit the break, especially when things get too overwhelming. Successful online learners know that their effective learning does not only depend on spending long hours in front of the computer.  You need to know how to keep yourself refreshed by doing things that relax you outside your virtual classroom. In between classes, have some snacks, play with your dog, take a nap, or have a conversation with family members.

Working independently

One of the challenges of online education is not having a physical company and the help of teachers and classmates. Distance learners must be able to equip themselves in doing things alone without assistance from anyone in their class. Look at this as an opportunity to train yourself to become independent.  Though there is no teacher around to check on your performance at home, you are accountable for your decisions, behavior, and actions.  This is good training for your future in the corporate world or your own business.

Distance schooling is not only about academics.  It is a training ground for developing habits that will help you become a well-rounded individual.  It is up to you if you will make the most of your online learning opportunity.

One of the pioneers of online learning in the country is Informatics Philippines, which has been providing students certification courses purely online since the early 2000s. Through its internationally recognized online schooling technologies, Informatics offers Senior High School tracks, Bachelor’s Degree programs, Diploma courses, and Corporate/Short courses.

Know more about the school’s online programs at www.informatics.edu.ph

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