In-demand Homebased Jobs for Filipinos

Working from home may be a different set-up from the traditional office set-up, but it certainly offers a lot of benefits, especially in the new normal. As people are bound to stay at home most of the time during the pandemic, home-based jobs offer a ray of hope to the economy and the people in need of an alternative livelihood.

If you are looking for a job or you are considering a career shift, home-based jobs are something that you should consider. Working from home gives you location independence, sparing you from the stressful daily commute and allowing you to save more money. It will also give you some flexibility in terms of time management.

To help you decide on your next career move, we’ve compiled a list of in-demand home-based jobs that you can explore.


Virtual Assistant

As the name suggests, virtual assistants are remote administrative assistants. They perform various secretarial duties such as assisting clients, scheduling appointments, making phone calls, emails, and scheduling meetings and travel arrangements.

To qualify for this remote work, you need to have good oral and written communication skills to effectively communicate with clients. You also need word processing skills to create documents and sufficient computer knowledge essential in maintaining spreadsheets, databases, and presentations.


Social Media Manager

Are you always on social media apps? Why not earn money out of your hobby?

Social media managers have the crucial role of managing the brand’s social media pages, ensuring that there are regular engaging content on the pages, and converting followers into loyal customers. They also monitor engagements, filter content to be released to the public, and measure and analyze the social media presence of a product or service.

If you want to apply for a social media manager position, you must be skilled at content planning and customer service.  Since you will be at the helm of the brand’s social media platforms, you should also keep abreast of the latest trends to know what type of content works best on what platform.  You also have to be good at engaging with the target market of your brand.


Content Writer

As the metaphor says, words can move mountains. Just like social media managers, content writers need to prepare good content about a company’s brand or product in order to generate sales. To do this, writers need to attract readers by creating clear, truthful, and relevant articles, posts, and communication materials for the organization’s target audience. Aside from being good at research, you also need to have time management skills and original ideas to generate unique content while working at home.

Graphic Designer

With the rise of digital media, posts are not complete without infographics, posters, and billboards designed to capture the attention of a broad audience. As part of the communications team, graphic designers need to have not just creativity and communication skills but also the ability to meet deadlines and negotiate with clients with all the revisions involved in preparing design and layout. Moreover, you need to be good at using creative apps such as Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator.


Online English Teacher

Do you enjoy teaching young students? If yes, you might be interested in being an online English teacher as this job is so in demand especially among kids of other nationalities. All you need are the love for teaching and a knack of the English language – grammar, syntax, and style. More importantly, you need to have compassion and patience as children have different learning curbs and styles when it comes to learning a new language. Previous teaching experience and teaching certificates like TESOL are a plus in applying for an online English teacher role.


As we slowly transition into the new normal, shifting to more flexible jobs that meet our needs seem to be the better option. Finding a new job may not be easy but as long as we have the confidence and right skills, the concept of Filipino resilience will thrive in whatever path we choose.


Get the Skills for Homebased Work 

Want to update your office productivity skills? Need to learn visual design programs? Want to have a TESOL certificate? Update your skillset with Informatics.

As one of the pioneers of online learning in the country, Informatics offers various short courses that will help you prepare for your preferred home-based work.  Through Informatics Corporate Learning (ICL), you can take a course with flexible class schedules that won’t interfere with your current working hours or your other activities.  Other benefits of taking an ICL course are:

  • Learn new digital skills and access up to 9,000+ courses and a curated collection of educational ebooks, audiobooks, and videos.
  • Acquire and accumulate certifications for better credentials
  • Learn from industry experts. Informatics is a Singapore-based training institution that provides education and training services to individuals, institutions, and corporations. We have trained over 600,000 Filipinos and more than 500 top corporations.

Know more about the school’s programs and internationally recognized online schooling technologies at


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