5 Digital Skills for a Future-proof Career

The business landscape is fast-changing, and more companies have been digitizing their operations in the past decade. Nowadays, companies heavily invest in digital tools and technology to make their businesses thrive in the new normal. Thus, employers also prioritize digital-savvy employees who know how to effectively use digital technology.

Learning to Teach: TEACHnology Program for Teachers and Trainers

To help Filipino educators adapt to the new normal in education, Informatics provides training for teachers through its full training program TEACHnology. As one of the pioneers of online schooling in the Philippines, Informatics empowers public school teachers by providing up-to-date information and communications technology (ICT) knowledge and skills.

Go Digital on Your Corporate Training

With the unprecedented changes brought by the pandemic, it is essential for companies to keep up with the evolving trends of how to do business in the new normal. One of the things that will help companies adapt to the changes in corporate training. Training and development program is helpful not only in boosting the morale of employees but also in providing skills that will help them carry out their roles in the organization.

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